Work in Progress, but the important tips are already included!

Bulid Toolchains

You’ll need basic build tools such as gprbuild, gprmake, and those are distributed with GCC.

On Apple silicon you should use simonjwright/distributing-gcc.

Download release with the name aarch64.

Follow the wiki. Bug basically you’ll do

  • Right Click the downloaded file to install
  • Add the path /opt/gcc-VERSION-aarch64/bin to $PATH

Then, you can check the installation with $ which gprbuild. Output should show the location of your gcc(default: /opt/gcc-VERSION-aarch64/bin).


You can type below under the filename of ‘hello.adb’

with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Hello is
   Put_Line ("Hello WORLD!");
end Hello;

And now you can

$ gcc -c hello.adb
$ gnatbind hello
$ gnatlink hello
$ ./hello
> Hello WORLD!

OR, simply

$ gnatmake hello.adb
$ ./hello
> Hello WORLD!

Build Alire, If you want

You can clone alire-project/alire.

(You may want to switch to the release branch via $ git switch -c remotes/origin/release/2.0)

And then, on MacOS you don’t have bash, but have zsh, so run $ ALIRE_OS=macos gprbuild -j0 -p -P alr_env.

Lastly, your alr binary is generated under the git repository’s bin directory. So you have to edit the path.

(In the future, when the new release come out, you can simply switch to the release branch and run alr biuld)

MOST IMPORTANTLY, You should run $ alr toolchain --select and select gnat version gnat_external=VERSION [Detected at /opt/gcc-VERSION-aarch64/bin/gnat one, which we installed above. Also, for the gprbuild, gprbuild=VERSION [Detected at /opt/gcc-14.1.0-aarch64/bin/gprbuild].


Move to the desired dev directory, and run

$ alr get hello
$ cd hello[tab]
$ alr run
> Hello, World!